Mobile Guardhouse & Toilet

Mobile Guardhouse

This compact mobile guardhouse offers a practical and secure solution for on-site security needs. Designed for resilience and comfort, it features:

  • Sturdy construction to withstand varying climates.
  • An efficient 1500mm x 1500mm floor plan for optimal space utilization.
  • A height of 2100mm to ensure a comfortable standing room.
  • A lockable door for security.
  • A large window for visibility and light.
  • Pre-wired electrical outlets for convenience.
  • LED lighting to ensure visibility during night hours.

Mobile Toilet

Our mobile toilet is a convenient and hygienic solution, perfect for construction sites or events. It comes with:

  • A spacious 1280mm x 1280mm base to move around comfortably.
  • A height of 2100mm, providing ample headroom.
  • Ventilation to ensure a clean and odor-free environment.
  • Easy-to-clean surfaces for maintaining hygiene.
  • A lockable door for privacy and security.
  • Interior lighting for usability at any time of the day.

Interested and want to know more? Contact us here!
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Mobile guardhouse and mobile toilet against a white background